Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a strong believer in doing everything decently and in order. I love organization! I love staying home with the kids and being a keeper at home. I take my job very seriously and know that my home is a reflection of my family and my savior.
Marrying a military man also helped hone in on my organizing skills and taking ideas from other great keepers at home. We all know that God says things should be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).
Marrying a military man also helped hone in on my organizing skills and taking ideas from other great keepers at home. We all know that God says things should be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).
When people walk into our home, they almost always say something like "wow you are so organized". God gives me ideas, strength and help to keep everything together =) I know alot of ladies who are even more organized than me, but I know alot more who would like to be more organized. The truth is we all could be more organized. God is the God of Order and not of confusion, and our soul should never be at complete rest until everything is in order. I know there are times when the wife is very sick, just had a baby, is disabled or just had a week of entertaining. Those are times when we should take a rest and not be so uptight about cleanliness and order for our own good. That is not to say to quit completely and wait for your mom to come clean your house! I hope this series will give you some ideas of how to organize your own home. My home is in no way perfect and there are storms of mess from time to time but I make a conscious effort to clean up! My husband might tell you otherwise...but don't listen to him....just kidding!
Anyway here are some of the highlights from my kitchen =)

My awesome pantry organizer from Target it was $39.99!

I love love love baskets! They are usually a little more expensive than plastic but I think it adds character and more concealedness...if that is a word.

No organizing materials needed here. Just put like things next to each other.

Tiered spice rack and airtight clear containers make a world of a difference!