Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We Have a Handful!

I can't believe I have 5 children ages 6 and under! People will now be correct when they see us in Wal*Mart and say, "Boy, you've got your hands full." Gideon is 9 days old now and Chris has been home helping with everything. Under the midwife's orders I am not to sweep, mop, vacuum, do laundry,  wash dishes or cook meals for the first 2 weeks! Chris is doing a great job keeping up with all the normal chores that come with having a handful of small children. Our church family of course is bringing us nice meals =) Our older children absolutely adore Gideon! I guess I will really know what life is like when Chris starts working all day again! 

 Proud Daddy Smile!

Rachel checking on Gideon in the swing. ( She definitely gets her smile from Chris)

 Christian holding Gideon.

 Joshua holding Gideon.

 Brownley puzzled at the sound of a crying baby.

Noah holding Gideon.


Rhonda said...

5 beautiful little ones, and a cute dog!
I think you are amazing.

Kelly Logan said...

Thank you Rhonda =) God is Amazing!!