About 4 months ago my husband was at our pastor's house and his 12 year old son was showing him how he was learning to play piano. He gave my husband a beginner piano book to take home......(we had no piano or keyboard at the time). So I did what I do best: Craigslist! We found a keyboard and stand for $35 about 10 minutes away. So we started using the beginner piano book and found that we could learn to play Mary Had a Little Lamb and such pretty easily. Got pretty boring.......We listen to a preacher online named Pastor Steven Anderson. He is pretty controversial even amongst our fellow independant fundamental baptist brethren....lol. I read his wife's awesome blog "Are They All Yours?" and that is how we found his preaching. In addition to preaching he also plays piano and wrote a great beginner book that gets you started out with real hymns instead of nursery rhymes! We quickly ordered one and whatever you may think of his preaching (We happen to love it) this piano book is AWESOME! My husband and I began to learn "Nothing But the Blood" and also watched the Youtube video he had posted to go along with it.
We have no musical background whatsoever and I am already up to "Revive Us Again" with the broken chords. Our 7 and 8 year old boys are practicing too! My nieces were also interested and so I made them a copy of the first song and they are ready for a copy of the next song!
There is no copyright on the piano book which is awesome too! I am so impressed with the book anytime we have fellowship at our house I show everyone how my non-musical self can play some hymns and everyone usually asks me about the book where I found it, how much it costs...etc. Overall great book and I am 30 now so I think part of my brain is shutting down but I am going to keep on trying til I can atleast get to book 2 out of the 3 books that Pastor Anderson has published.