Another month has gone by again! Keeping track of the days has really made me realize how precious time is =) The bible says that your life is but a vapor that appeareth for a little while and then vanisheth away! I really want to make the most of my time here on earth and invest in things eternal =)
1) Read through the bible in one year
I am on track to complete this! I am reading through Luke and Leviticus and the psalms and proverbs again =) God sure had a whole lot of rules for the Israelite's! So glad we don't have to make any more sacrifices at the temple but that Christ Jesus paid the sacrifice once and for all!
2)Read 6 books
I read The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine and Treasures from the scriptures by Don Howe! Both books were very encouraging =)
3)Pass out a gospel tract to every store clerk
I gave tracts to 3 people from craigslist, got to verbally witness and share my testimony with one lady from craigslist, a tract at McDonalds, 2 tracts at Wal Mart, a tract at CiCi's Pizza and Target =) I did run out of tracts at Walgreens but had already given that woman cashier a tract before. Also I forgot to give one to the lady at CVS when I went to pick up my free photos!
4)Eat out only once a week
We did stick to this as well and has helped our food budget greatly!
5) Run 7.5 miles a week
I have been running closer to 10 miles a week on average =)
6) In home dvd work out once a week
Taebo is still my favorite workout. I would like to try P90x or insanity but ummmm not willing to dish out several hundred...lol =)
7)Take vitamins and juice daily
I only forgot to take my vitamins 4 days last month =) Our Jack La Lane jucier died on us after 4 years =( So we only juiced 5 times last month. Lord willing we will be purchasing our new juicer in a couple of weeks =)
8)Reduce weight to 130 lbs.
This month I got down to pre-baby weight of 135 lbs! I know only a pound lighter than last month but it is still closer to my goal =) Slow and steady wins the race right?
9)Keep up with hair cuts quarterly
Had my first adventure cutting my own hair last month =)
10) Improve home organization
I organized our tool drawer in the garage and got a closet maid for my closet!
Your little girl is soooo cute!
Congrats on reaching some of your goals!
Something about organization makes me so happy.
Thank You =) I think I could look at organizing blogs all day long if I didn't have 4 kids...lol =)
I saw you on MSM and stopped by... I bought Insanity last year before we moved cross-country. I got a great deal on ebay of a used set. I try to use it 4-5 days a week! Maybe you could find a good deal there. I promise you will see results and it has a lot of DVDs in the set to give you variety. Blessings to you and congrats on the home! Thank you to your husband and your whole family for your service to our country.
Angela, thanks for stopping by =), I know I keep seeing a couple friends post things on facebook about how awesome insanity is ....I really want to get it, I looked on craigslist here and people want they same price they paid for it, I will have to look on ebay =)but also,yard sale season is HERE!! lol
How do you cut your own hair? I always put off haircuts, because I'm not willing to pay the price, so I'd love to know.
I don't really have a method of cutting my own hair I just sort of tried it out one day =) I wrote it out here. I would avoid the hair dresser too for the very same reason....lol I had not had a hair cut for over a year!
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