I know what you might be thinking to yourself.....Did you finish unpacking? Yes we finished unpacking...lol =) This is all we have in our bedroom! We do want to get some nightstands eventually. If I was on one of those other mom blogger pages, there would be some nightstands here that I refinished and painted; after finding them behind a dumpster somewhere...lol. I am not making fun of them I am excited there are women out there that have such talent. I am just not that industrious yet =)

Up on the shelves my husband bought us some flashlights in case the lights go out in the middle of the night...he is always thinking ahead, we even have a headband flashlight to wear...lol =) When we get some nightstands they will be going in there and I will find something pretty to put up here =)

I am hiding a few things under my bed! Chris's workout stuff: adjustable push up thingys, 30lb kettle bell and I don't know how much weight is on this one dumb bell.....I can barely lift it with both hands off the floor =)

I also have a game box and Chris' over the door frame pull up bar hiding down here.

This is inside of the game box =) I love scattegories. We even have a bible scattegories game. Chris likes scrabble because he always seems to win with really weird words that just so happen to be in the dictionary!

A side view of the room: there is a storage ottoman at the foot of the bed and two frames on the wall.

I made the art inside with my faithful cricut expression! Anyone out there know what Romans 8:28 is off the top of their head?

Inside the storage ottoman we keep our diploma's, our important paper binders, and a game that would not fit under the bed with the other games. I will be blogging about how we keep our important papers organized in the future!
Up Next: My Bathroom!!!
Yes, I do know Romans 8:28. ;-)
Thanks for your comment on my recent blog post.
We are currently attending a very small church called Little Band and Lowly Bible Baptist Church. Funny name, I know. Haha
We are sort of in limbo right now, as we came here so my husband could pastor a church in KC, and that only lasted 11 weeks. :-/ Too long a story to type here. Ha Anyway, the Lord took good care of us through that trial last year. He is always faithful! :-)I tried to message you rather than commenting here, but couldn't get it to work. If you would like to email me you can do so at thewelldresseddoll@hotmail.com. ;-)
lol, yes those are funny names...I was telling my husband if we ever started a church we should call it Straight and Narrow Baptist Church to really draw in a crowd...lol =) I am sorry that your church only lasted 11 weeks =( Insert Romans 8:28 =) I will save your email mines is faithhopeandcharity04@yahoo.com
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