Okay so I was just a tiny bit excited that Walmart's Great Value Brand now has Peanut Butter with out Hydrogenated oils! I was at first skeptical to see the Natural label on a Walmart Brand that was not double price the unnatural one. So I looked at the back of the ingredient list and sure enough! only Peanuts, can sugar, palm oil and salt! So I would have liked if there was no can sugar in it too but hey I was still excited that there were no hydrogenated oils at a Great Value Price! This will save us about $0.15 an ounce!
A little about Hydrogenated Oils....from a website I found
Research studies show conclusively these deadly oils cause non-insulin dependent type II diabetes, or hyperinsulinemia. This is a disease which can eventually burn out the pancreas and cause insulin dependent diabetes. These changed molecular oils dramatically increase the risk of coronary heart disease, breast cancer, other types of cancers and auto immune diseases. Over 100 research studies show how harmful these oils are to the human body. However, these findings have been largely ignored by the mass media and the FDA. In addition, the Commercial Edible Food Industry has suppressed these research findings for sometime. Why? Money and lots of it!
Okay now I am reading about Palm oil being just as dangerous as trans fat....sigh.. I guess I need to grow my own peanut tree....lol =)
Palm oil is good if its not hydrogenated. Its a healthy fat.
Keep an eye out for GMO food products coming soon a well. Stay with the natural labels or grow it yourself if at all possible.
We just saw this peanut butter too this weekend. At a Walmart. In Springfield. :)
Now I am really starting to think we should have paid cash for the house built in 1894 with the sloping foundation so we could have had more land to grow things...lol =) This world is just getting so deceitful with all their labeling!! I am getting really sick of it!
Carrie, which Walmart do you usually go to?
Can't wait to look for this myself!
Michele, I hope Wal Mart comes out with more and more whole foods without the mark up!
I currently got to either walmart on the northside, as I live between them. There is quite the stigma with North Springfield (and you may have picked up on it already), and I find the walmart on N. Kansas Expressway provides the most entertainment. :) My favorite walmart (if that's possible) is the one on S. Campbell and Walnut Lawn. No obvious reason, just close to some of my family etc... :) How are you liking this area now that you've been here a few months?
Finding a local farm that sells wholesome fruit, veggies, and unprocessed meats is always better than supporting the grocery store that costs more because of the food packaging.
Farmers need our help, not the ones that spray- but the ones that do it because they want good food, and they are doing it to support their families.
is a great website to find local farms.
Tara, I am excited to check out some of the Farmers Markets here =)
Carrie, I have noticed the "northside is dangerous thing here...I think it is funny because I grew up outside of Washington DC in and alongside section 8 housing. Then we lived in Las Vegas for 4 years....so North Springfield just does not give me any fears...lol =) We live off of Nichols and West ByPass which I guess is not the "good side of town" but we wanted to be north to get closer to ASH Grove where our church home is =) I usually go to Wal Mart on Sunshine St. =) I am loving Springfield, I love other Mother's on Kearny St. too =)
Well, I feel like I should give you my email address, rather than coming back to this post over and over, but I have enjoyed exchanging stories with you. :) I used to live ON Commercial street...and after that, I would use Nichols as a short cut to West Bipass, that area is beautiful and filled with perfectly lovely homes. my email is carrie_carlton@hotmail.com, if you'd like. I am enjoying your perspective on keeping your home etc...thanks for sharing. :)
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