Well 5 posts later I have finally made it out of the boy's room =) Our Hall bath is very simple. I was wanting to do a kid's theme like jungle monkeys or something like that; but Chris didn't seem very interested in that decor....so we stuck with something simple; black and white. Can you get any more simple than black and white?

Behind the door we keep the children's towels =) The towels are not black and white and I think this might drive Chris a little crazy...lol. I am starting to think maybe he was a prisoner in his past life...j/k =)
We don't have a medicine cabinet, which is fine because we very very very rarely need any medicine, but I did have to come up with some more storage inside the cabinet.
Under the cabinet I found this really pretty cabinet liner =)
I use this small drawer from Walmart and labeled each drawer for the children's hygiene items. We also have in here baby changing items for Joshua (almost 3) which hopefully will no longer need to be stored here because he will be using the potty like the big boy that he is =)
I have a clear showoff box to keep some first aid/hygiene things in like cotton balls, q-tips alcohol, band aids and peroxide.
I made the sign in the batrhoom with my cricut. I thought it would be fitting for the bathroom since the scripture is dealing with cleansing and the bathroom is where you go to get clean =) 1 John 1:7 " ...the blood Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin..."
In the Bath tub we keep Rachel's pink baby bath tub, some body soap/shampoo, hair rinsing cup, and some toys =)
Next Up !!! The Hall Closet!
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