Yesterday I posted an update on my 2012 goals, and I didn't realize how much not making a goal bothered me. I made most goals and excelled at many but one goal had no progress: Keep up with hair cuts quarterly. This morning Chris was cutting his hair and asked for me to do the back for him.

I thought well if he is cutting his own hair why not me? My friend Liz had cut her own hair a couple months ago and I couldn't tell she didn't go and pay someone to cut it. I had this phrase stuck in my head from one the motivational books I read last month, "Losers make excuses, Winners make a way." Am I not more than a conqueror through Christ, Can I not do all things through Christ? I had just gotten out of the shower with freshly washed hair, the kids were still in bed and the scissors in Chris' clipper kit were just too tempting..... I was thinking of watching a youtube tutorial first but it was almost time to start the day with the kids; so I just went at it. I combed my hair and then cut off about 3 inches and layered some around my face.

I am really surprised that it does not look bad at all! Hair cuts for me are around $30-$40
( because I have long hair?) plus tax and tip $50! Chris' hair cut is usually $10 plus tax and tip $16! Also the last time we both got our hair cut we did not like the job that was done and lost money! So I figured we saved at least $60 this morning and any bitter feelings toward a hair cutter. I wonder if there are any more people out there who cut their own hair?

I am so interested in this! Did you do a straight cut or what? I have really long hair and honestly do not want to take the time and money to go to the hairdresser. It's in lots of layers though, so I wonder if it would be too tricky?
I cut my husband and two boys hair and the front of my own. My husband does the back for me. I too have really long hair. I have my husband just trim it straight, but I angle the front to give it a little shape.
Rachel, I cut the back straight, and then 3 different lengths around my face =) I would like the back to be layered too, but didn't try it out this time....
Anna, that's a great idea putting your husband to work on your hair, the thought of asking my hubby for help didn't even cross my mind even though he was sitting right there...lol. I am going to keep trying this and it has to get better each time right??
It looks really cute. You have pretty hair. :-) I cut my own hair, too. And it is long and layered.
I have pretty long hair and don't cut it but I can get it cut for $8 at the vo tech in town. I do color it myself and have taught myself how to do a boys and mens layered cuts thanks to youtube.
Thank you Jessica =) I am surprised I have any hair left some days...lol =) After so many kids so quickly my hair has thinned out quite a bit at only 27! Mrs. Reverend Doctor =)I have heard of people getting great deals at schools I need to google some here in springfield =) Even at the hair cuttery type places they want to charge $25 and up! If I could find a place for under $10 I would go =) Oh and I messed up quite a few of my boys hair cuts when my hubby was deployed =)
I've cut my own hair quite a few times, but now that I wear it a little bit shorter, I'm afraid to do it myself. When it was long, if I made a mistake, I could just go shorter. Since it is already short, I don't know what I'd do if I made a mistake! :-)
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