Now onto my "clutter hot spot"....the drawers on the trundle.....brace yourself now.............
I love the drawers on the trundle and labeled each one of them so the boys would not mix their clothes up yet the clothes are always getting out of place!
Yes this is what all 3 boy's drawers looked like! Yikes! That is NOT decent or in order!
Aaaaahhh much better! Each drawer should have underwear in the far left corner, undershirts in the upper left corner, pajamas in the middle and shorts on the right side. I wanted to buy some adjustable drawer dividers but they are $15.99 .....crazy I know! This is the kind I am talking about that would work great!


Christians Drawer

Joshua's Drawer

My Craigslist pile I came up with after de-cluttering the drawers =) I will collect clothes no longer in use and then when I get enough of the same size I post a "boys clothes lot" on craigslist to get it out of the house. For now it will go into the garage "sell" box!
Hello, I am visiting from Money Saving Mom. :) You talked about drawer dividers. I was just out my local goodwill today and saw a spring type drawer divider set almost new in box for cheap. I am in PA so that is no help to you. But maybe if you check your local thrift shops you might find a deal!
Love your organization!!! Question what cricut cartrige you used for the bathroom sign? At what time you run with 4 kiddos??? I have 3 and not enough time, and lastly what kind of vitamis yoh used?
Thanks a lot..
Vonnie, I saw some plastic ones at Target last week and they were $17 for a pack of two so I might just go back there one day ....but now I am curious to look at the thrift store =) Natalia, I used the plain school house cartridge for the bathroom sign...I want to redo it more scrapbooky like =) I had a harder time adjusting to 3 kids than I did with the fourth, so I totally understand not having enough time =) I go running around 630-7am 5 times a week for 2 miles about 24 minutes before my hubby goes to work. For vitamins I take 2 Juice Plus capsules one fruit one and one veggie one, Natures Sunshine Prenatal, pro biotics, enzymes =)
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