Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Girl's Dream Job

The world asks a young girl what she'd like for a career.

She says she wants to be a wife and mother, to spend all her days with those she holds most dear.

"Oh no, child that's not a real job", says the world with huff and a sneer.

"Besides there's so much more to life than just being a wife and mom!

You ought to go out to work like Harry, Dick, and Tom.

Someone else can watch your kids without a worry or a qualm

You don't want to waste your mind, body, and talents. 

What a shame to count on a man to bring in all the dollars and cents!

Especially now with the increasing costs of food and rents!

Depending on a husband is risky, you need two to provide.

Get to work, make your own money, put your kids to the side.

Surley they won't mind as long as you give them money for things to buy," the deceiver lied.

The young girl sank down beginning to feel her life's plan was absurd.

The thought of having more money to buy things surely allured.

But then she remembered a verse in God's word.

Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom God and all these things shall be added unto you."

"Being discreet, chaste keepers at home is what God calls us to do.

So long as we trust Him, he'll guide us through.

So sorry, Old World, I'll choose the Word of God over your wisdom.

I'll take the endless time spent with my loves that fills with  joy and great freedom. 

A life that will bring praise and Glory to His Kingdom!"